
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Internet Security

Internet has now become and important part of our lives.Almost everyone uses the net these days.The internet is a wonderful facility and helps many people in their work.Applications of the net include e-marketing, e-commerce,online banking,Email and much more.

However with such wonderful and important advantages there is also a very big problem.That is internet security.Once you are hooked up with a network you are no longer safe.There is a possibility of others viewing or hacking into you computer.This is the dark side of the net and the people responsible for such activities are known as hackers.These people search for open ports on a network and then try to get inside of what is called an open terminal or gate in technical terms.If successful then they can view everything in a hosts computer.They can steal critical information like credit card number etc etc.

Another dangerous aspect of the net is that your computer can catch viruses from the net.This can seriously harm your computer depending on the nature of the virus.A virus is a code or an application which again is developed mostly by hackers.

To protect your computer you need a good antivirus.An anti virus defends your system from network attacks and dangerous viruses.

If you think your computer acts weird or if its performance is slower than you expect , then it maybe a virus.
To defend your computer you can get a very good anti virus protection program from CA technologies.

The Blackberry 8320 Cell phone

The blackberry 8320 features metallic finish with clean lines and soft edges.I has a stylish look and is the smallest of its kind available.It also packs features such as camera,media player and Wi-Fi .The memory is also expandable .You also get all the core functionality you’ve come to expect in a BlackBerry smartphone—email and text messaging, instant messaging and a web browser.

So if you are looking for a stylish smart phone which satisfies all you business and personal needs then this is a must.